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Hi, I am Ian Claridge and I became the caretaker for the Drive Mansions in 2020 having previously worked as a caretaker in a school and served in the Royal Navy for a number of years. I was looking for a new challenge and the variety of duties involved with being the Drive Mansions caretaker seemed to fit alongside a lot of the things that I enjoy doing.

I particularly enjoy gardening and DIY and hopefully you can see the

The job of keeping the Drive Mansions, clean, tidy and free of rubbish is a continuous battle and I would appreciate all your help in assisting me with this issue. I know it’s not always easy but I think if we all show a bit of consideration to each other then the Mansion block will be a cleaner and tidier place for everyone to live in.

Please put your discarded cardboard boxes in the recycling bags and tie  up your rubbish bags….(Extra bags available in the basement).

Ian Claridge  – Drive Mansions caretaker.

Mob. 07503 405075

My normal hours of work are 8.30 am to 11.30 and 2.00pm to 5.00pm and you will always find me either in the front of the block or the garden area. Alternatively you can contact me on my mobile during these hours which is 07503 405075

I enjoy being pro active and am always trying to help people as best as I can so if you require assistance with anything in the future please just ask.
